Shower, exfoliate, and moisturize the morning of your appointment.
If it’s your first time in a while and if your hair is longer than an inch, trim with clippers and ½ inch guard if possible. Otherwise, I will.
Wait too long to come in for a follow-up. A quarter inch of hair growth is perfect.
Avoid wearing tight clothing on the day of and the day after your appointment.
Shower in hot water as it can cause your pores to become irritated.
Soak in a bathtub for 24 hours after your appointment, you will swell, and it could cause a rash.
Strenuous exercise the day of, and for 24 hours after your appointment can cause irritation and swelling.
Wait 24 to 48 hours after your appointment then start exfoliating each day. Do this until all hairs have broken the surface and grown a bit.
Wet or dry exfoliate the area with a loofah.
If you are prone to ingrown hairs, use an acne or exfoliation mask once or twice a week on the area. You can spot treat daily.
Moisturize the area after you shower with a small amount of coconut oil or your favorite oil.